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Augmented reality clothing: the future of online shopping

Written by
Hanna Dawidko-Chudziak
Published on
October 20, 2023

By merging digital innovation with style, augmented reality is revolutionizing the whole fashion industry. This transformation enables virtual try-ons, interactive shopping, and personalized fashion experiences, blending the digital and physical worlds and reshaping consumer engagement in fashion. Dive in to learn about even more benefits - both for customers and businesses!

Hanna Dawidko-Chudziak
Head of Marketing
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Augmented reality is revolutionizing the clothing industry and transforming the way we shop for clothes online. According to a recent survey by Statista, AR-powered technologies are expected to reshape the future of shopping. The study forecasts that by 2025, around one-third of shoppers in the United States will have used AR-powered technologies when buying products online. In comparison, in countries like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the expected use of AR was as high as 45 percent.

In this blog post, we will explore how augmented reality reshapes the online clothing shopping experience, cover its benefits, real-world AR clothing examples, and tips for creating an AR fashion app. 

Augmented reality in the fashion industry: a visionary transformation

In the ever-evolving realm of fashion, innovation, and technology have begun to weave themselves seamlessly into the fabric of our shopping experiences. Augmented reality, once confined to the realm of gaming and entertainment, is now emerging as a dynamic force in the world of fashion, promising to redefine how we explore, engage with, and ultimately purchase clothing online. The fusion of digital technology with the art of dressing has given rise to a revolution that holds limitless potential for AR and fashion.

Imagine being able to try on clothes virtually, right from the comfort of your own home, without the need for fitting rooms or the hassle of returns. Picture a world where fashion retailers offer you a personalized, interactive, and immersive shopping journey, allowing you to experiment with styles and designs in real time, all through your smartphone or AR-enabled glasses. 

Augmented reality clothing is not just about convenience; it's about breaking the barriers between the digital and physical worlds, enabling you to curate your style effortlessly and empowering fashion enthusiasts to make more informed choices in the context of AR for fashion.

AR technology in fashion. A win-win for shoppers and businesses

Augmented reality in fashion retail isn't just a flashy gimmick – it's a transformative force that brings tangible advantages to both shoppers and businesses. Let's analyze all the benefits from both perspectives.

AR technology in fashion – advantages for shoppers

Here are a few prominent advantages of AR technology in fashion for buyers:

  • Virtual try-before-you-buy – imagine the convenience of virtually trying on clothes without the fuss of dressing rooms. Shoppers can experiment with various styles, sizes, and colors, gaining confidence in their selections. Thanks to augmented reality for clothing, there is no more guesswork and no more returns.
  • Personalized shopping experience – AR-driven fashion apps can analyze your style preferences and offer tailored clothing recommendations. It's like having a personal shopper in your pocket, helping you discover new pieces that perfectly align with your choice, redefining AR in fashion retail.
  • Enhanced decision-making – augmented reality allows shoppers to view clothing from every angle and in various lighting conditions, providing a comprehensive product view. This transparency helps in making informed choices, resulting in higher satisfaction through AR in fashion retail.
  • Interactivity and engagement – shopping becomes an interactive experience as users can share virtual outfits with friends for opinions and social validation, making fashion choices more enjoyable and collaborative, further illustrating the potential of augmented reality for clothing.

AR technology in fashion advantages for businesses

Here are a few prominent advantages of AR technology in fashion for businesses:

  • Reduced return rates – businesses benefit from a significant reduction in return rates as customers make more informed purchase decisions, knowing precisely how a garment will fit and look in real life.
  • Improved customer retention – AR experiences attract new customers and keep them engaged. Enhanced customer satisfaction and personalization lead to brand loyalty and repeat business, signaling the growing influence of augmented reality for clothing.
  • Reduced overhead costs – the elimination of fitting rooms and the need for extensive physical inventory can reduce overhead costs. Retailers can focus on inventory that sells, optimizing their resources, a benefit facilitated by AR in fashion retail.
  • Data-driven insights – AR-powered platforms collect valuable data on customer preferences, shopping habits, and product interactions. Retailers can use this information to refine their offerings and marketing strategies, marking a fundamental shift driven by augmented reality for clothing.
  • Marketing and branding opportunities – augmented reality opens the door to innovative marketing campaigns and branding initiatives. Businesses can create engaging AR experiences to capture attention and drive sales, emphasizing the creative potential of AR in fashion retail.

Real-world examples of augmented reality in the fashion industry

The adoption of AR technology in fashion is on a relentless rise, with significant brands diving into this exciting technological landscape. Let's take a closer look at some notable brands and their innovative use cases.

Prada – elevating the try-on experience

Prada, the iconic fashion house, has invested significantly in augmented reality. Their AR app offers a sophisticated try-on experience featuring an extensive array of items from their catalog. What sets this apart is the app's ability to map out the user's limb joints and even consider the effects of gravity and stretching. Users can effortlessly visualize how Prada's clothing fits on their body, all with the convenience of voice commands to switch between different outfits seamlessly.

Ralph Lauren – digital avatars for try-on

Ralph Lauren has ventured into AR, focusing on the try-on experience. What makes their approach unique is the absence of the need for users to provide images of their bodies. Instead, the app allows users to create digital avatars to model the clothing. This approach adds a creative twist to the traditional try-on experience, offering customers a fresh way to engage with fashion.

Carolina Herrera – accessible AR through the web

Carolina Herrera takes an accessible approach to AR by offering it directly through a web browser. Their web-based AR experience showcases the latest clothing collections and empowers customers with interactive options. Shoppers can examine products up close, manipulate them in 3D space, and even visualize how the clothing fits into their local surroundings. It's a digital showcase that blurs the lines between the virtual and physical worlds.

Macy's – fusing VR and AR for enhanced shopping

Macy's, the American clothing and beauty retail giant, is taking a multi-pronged approach to AR and VR. In the realm of AR, they're enhancing customer loyalty by providing try-on experiences through AR mirrors in physical stores and a mobile app designed for products worn on the head and face. It not only enhances the shopping experience but also gives Macy's a competitive edge in the ever-evolving retail landscape.

The GAP – a pioneering virtual dressing room

The GAP has been a pioneer in the AR space for over four years. Their virtual dressing room app has evolved significantly, offering a wide range of clothing items with size variations. Users can model these products on 3D mannequins, and the app even accounts for diverse body shapes, ensuring a tailored and inclusive experience. The app is on the cusp of integrating checkout and order functionality, making it a one-stop solution for virtual clothing shopping.

These brands represent just a handful of the fashion industry's frontrunners leveraging augmented reality to enhance the shopping experience and engage customers in innovative ways. As technology advances, the possibilities for AR in fashion are limitless, promising an exciting future for brands and shoppers alike.

Crafting your AR fashion app with our expert tips

Creating your augmented reality fashion app is a thrilling journey, and as an experienced software development agency, we prepared some essential tips to ensure your app's success.

1. Define clear objectives

Set clear goals for your AR fashion app to fine-tune your vision.

2. Understand your audience

Thoroughly research your audience's preferences and expectations for a tailored user experience.

3. Choose the right technology stack

Select the best technology stack for seamless cross-platform compatibility.

4. User-friendly interface

Design an intuitive, user-friendly interface to enhance the user experience.

5. Realistic 3D modeling

Invest in lifelike 3D modeling for authentic product representations.

6. Seamless integration

Efficiently integrate your app with e-commerce platforms and inventory systems.

7. Testing and quality assurance

Ensure a flawless app through rigorous testing and quality assurance.

8. Marketing and launch strategy

Develop a successful marketing and launch strategy to generate interest.

9. Post-launch support

Offer ongoing support, resolve issues, optimize, and introduce new features.

By embracing these tips and partnering with Apptension as your trusted solution, you can confidently navigate the intricacies of crafting an AR fashion app, ensuring an innovative and captivating shopping experience for your users. Whether you are an experienced developer or new to the world of AR, our expertise and guidance will pave the way for your success. We stand ready to collaborate with your company and bring your AR app for the fashion industry to life.

Final words

The world of fashion is undergoing a radical transformation, and businesses are at the forefront of this exciting change. With our expert guidance, you can harness the power of Augmented Reality to create an AR fashion app that will revolutionize your customer's shopping experience. This technology offers your brand the chance to provide a personalized, immersive, and engaging way for customers to explore and try on your products. So, get ready to elevate your fashion game!