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Introverts at work – 12 reasons why your company needs them

Written by
Magda Weychan
Published on
November 15, 2022

More introverted employees tend to possess specific attributes that allow them to shine brighter and perform far better than many of the extroverts in their immediate environment. Due to these distinctive properties, they are an excellent addition to any workplace. Most importantly, the presence of these distinguishing characteristics will make it possible for workplace introverts to dominate the commercial world in the years to come.

Magda Weychan
People & Culture Specialist
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Introverts at work environment. Introduction

These days, most businesses would rather hire outgoing people with a natural talent for being proactive and taking the initiative to lead from the front.

However, employing an introvert can be just as productive and beneficial for a business as hiring an extrovert can be, if not more so (according to organizational psychologists and personality specialists who have studied the topic).

So, when wanting to inject new blood into their organization, recruiters should think twice before dismissing an introvert as a potential candidate.

This article will discuss some of the reasons why it is necessary for your firm to have them.

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12 reasons why you need introvert at your workplace

Here are the benefits of introverts and why your company needs them:

1. Independent work is feasible for introverts

There are various benefits of being introverted, but one of them is the capability to work independently. For example, when they are learning something new or getting started on a new project, they do not require a manager to hold their hand and guide them through the process.

Introverts are fully capable of functioning effectively inside groups, but they flourish when allowed to work independently. Therefore, it might be beneficial for businesses that require self-starters capable of working alone.

2. Introverts are more likely to be creative

Introverts in the workplace often are excellent at coming up with more innovative solutions to various challenges. However, introverts prefer working alone, so they are more likely to take their time and consider issues from multiple perspectives.

More introverted people are likely to think creatively and develop more novel and original concepts. It can be of great use, when it comes to finding solutions to problems or developing a marketing strategy.

3. Introverts are the ones who generate ideas

To elaborate on the previous point, it's worth saying that introverts are frequently the folks who come up with unique ideas while quietly working in the office. In contrast, extroverts are typically the ones who are busy socializing and putting their ideas into action.

Introverts are generally deep thinkers who can focus and think things through logically; as a result, they can come up with well-crafted ideas that are typically beneficial.

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4. Introverts have a greater capacity for focus and productivity

Because successful introverts typically prefer to work alone, they tend to concentrate more on the subject at hand than extroverts. They do not participate as actively in office politics or generate as much drama. They will instead have a greater capacity for concentration on their work, resulting in increased output.

5. Introverts can make excellent leaders

It is optional to be an extrovert to be an effective leader. If given a chance, introverts can also be effective leaders. Even though introverts may lead in a manner that is distinct from that of extroverts, they are nonetheless capable of finding many methods to inspire those who work for them.

Introverts in business are particularly effective leaders for employees who are already taking the initiative, while extroverts are likely to be more effective with individuals who are more receptive to direction.

6. Introverts are capable of contributing to a team

Even if they are at their most productive while working alone, introverts can contribute well when part of a group effort. They have the ability to think of original concepts and are typically skilled listeners.

When working with an extrovert, an introvert is typically the person who comes up with the majority of the ideas, while the extrovert is the one who takes charge of presenting those ideas to the rest of the workplace.

7. Introverts tend to be excellent listeners

Whenever you are in a social setting with a group of people, you will likely be able to identify the introvert in the group by noting who stays on the periphery and observes activities in relative obscurity.

Introverts may not say as much as their extroverted colleagues, but they can glean a significantly greater number of pertinent particulars in exchange. They pay attention to what other people are saying and file that information away in the back of their minds.

Additionally, they pay attention to body language, the group dynamic, vocal clues, and phrases left unsaid yet convey a meaningful message. That indicates that they have exceptional people reading skills. This equips you with powerful weapons to use in the boardroom. They will not only take notes but also read between the lines and pay attention to what is not being spoken.

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8. Shorter meetings

Suppose something can be conveyed to a large number of people in a single email. In that case, you can be confident that the introvert working at your office will not disrupt the entire workplace by calling a pointless meeting to discuss it and spending an hour of everyone's time.

Extroverts typically view meetings as positive opportunities for communication with the team. But introverts will only agree with you if you prove that your plan would help them.

With fewer and shorter meetings, more work will get done. In addition, there will be no unnecessary stalling during the actual meeting itself. The agenda will be discussed, goals will be attained, and everyone will feel that they served a purpose in the meeting.

9. Introverts are essential to balance

The most successful businesses have employees with a healthy mix of extroverted and introverted personalities. Both types of characters bring their own set of distinguishing qualities to the table.

A location of business that is occupied solely by extroverts may be extremely competitive, disorderly, and lacking in organization. The reflective and subdued demeanor that is characteristic of introverts has the effect of turning down the volume, which is to the advantage of productivity.

10. Extroverts can draw on introverts

Even though they have quite distinct personalities, introverts and extroverts can often collaborate very successfully. As an illustration, during a session devoted to idea generation, an introvert might find it more comfortable to take the role of one who poses multiple questions, allowing an extrovert to provide numerous responses.

Introverts are excellent listeners; as a result, they can take in a lot of information and sort it out into valuable and less beneficial thoughts.

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11. Require less supervision

One more trait that sets introverts apart as desirable workers and makes them an asset to any company is their ability to function with less oversight and on their own initiative. This is wonderful news for managers since it will cut down the amount of time spent on supervision, giving them additional time to concentrate on activities that will have an effect in the longer run.

The more introverts there are in your team, the less oversight you will need to provide them. This affords managers the chance to concentrate on significant responsibilities, which in turn has a direct bearing on your company's performance.

12. Stay calm under pressure

Introverts have a way of thinking structured to minimize exposure to potential dangers and disruptions, enabling them to perform well under intense amounts of stress.

Introverts are unfazed by strict deadlines or time limits, and even in trying circumstances, they are able to maintain their composure. They can succeed when everyone else fails, increasing their chances of becoming a stronger manager and leader. This capability helps them to do well where everyone else fails.

The ability of an introvert to maintain composure under pressure enables him to emerge successful in any setting. Because of their level-headed demeanor, they are able to readily quell confusion within the ranks and lessen the likelihood of confrontations in the workplace.

Rather than becoming anxious about a situation, introverts look for workable solutions to the issue at hand. This mentality raises the possibility of your team being able to overcome challenges and stumbling blocks that your team may face in the future.

Are you an introvert and want to start your development career in a software development company? Check out: How to become a junior developer?


Employees who are more reserved yet contribute significantly to a company's success should not be overlooked.

A winning combination of the two different characters is what makes for a formidable group. Introverts have attributes that can go a long way in making them more productive, organized, and focused employees. These qualities can go a long way in making introverts more productive. Because of this, we do not doubt you will succeed in business.

After reading this article, you have learned that employing introverts is not as risky as you may have originally believed it to be. For your team to maintain the composure and calmness necessary to flourish in the chaos and clamor that we call the workplace, it is imperative that you hire those people who are quiet and reserved.

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