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Apptension is named by The Manifest as Poznan’s most reviewed B2B partner for 2023

Written by
Łukasz Warchoł
Published on
September 28, 2023

Apptension is honored as Poznan’s most-reviewed B2B Partner for 2023 by The Manifest, thanks to our commitment to innovation and client satisfaction. Cheers to more success and collaborations!

Łukasz Warchoł
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Nowadays, businesses need to find the right leverage and tools that can elevate their growth. Here at Apptension, we come second to none when it comes to design and development. Over a decade ago, our team came together with a goal to innovate and provide unique experiences to companies in need of cutting-edge, customized technologies. The trust and satisfaction of our beloved clients mean the world to us, so this award that we’re about to share overwhelms us.

Just recently, we caught wind that Apptension was officially named as one of the most reviewed and recommended companies during the esteemed The Manifest Company Awards. According to their latest data-driven rankings, our team is among Poznan, Poland’s go-to trusted software and web development partners for 2023!

To give light to this award, The Manifest is a company listing blog designed to help browsers by publishing in-depth how-to blogs, agency directories, and market reports. Every year, the platform commemorates the brilliant service providers that have earned the trust of their clients. The awardees are determined by the volume of honest testimonials and endorsements they’ve obtained over the preceding twelve months.

Thank you so much to everyone who believed in the Apptension team! On behalf of everyone, we’d like to express our sincerest gratitude to our partners who believed in us through the highs and lows. We can’t wait to see what opportunities we’ll seize and what challenges we’ll conquer together. Cheers!

Let’s design, build, and launch digital products together. Get in touch with the Apptension team and let’s get down to business.