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The future of fashion: a closer look at virtual try on

Written by
Olha Kurinna
Published on
October 26, 2023

Imagine trying on clothes, accessories, and makeup virtually at home — VTO makes this a reality. Read on to learn about its fashion industry impact, and how it enhances shopping experiences. Join us in uncovering the future of fashion through virtual try-ons and their limitless possibilities.

Olha Kurinna
Content Specialist
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Virtual try-on is not just a buzzword; it's a transformative force redefining how we shop. In a world where convenience, accuracy, and seamless experiences matter more than ever, virtual try-on technology has emerged as the key to unlocking a whole new dimension of shopping. In 2022, Germany took the lead with 14% of shoppers who had experienced the exciting shopping experience with virtual try-on technology, closely followed by the United States with 12% of shoppers, hinting at the growing VTO trends.

Envision a scenario where you can virtually test out various clothing items, accessories, and even experiment with makeup—all from the convenience of your home. VTO has made this possible, revolutionizing how we approach fashion and retail. This blog post will take you through the captivating landscape of virtual try-on, delving into its mechanics, its impact on the fashion industry, and how to leverage this innovative technology to enhance your shopping experience. Embark on a journey into the future of fashion alongside us, where we delve into the endless opportunities virtual try-ons offer.

A glimpse into the virtual try-on universe 

In the fast-paced world of fashion and e-commerce, the emergence of virtual try-on technology has ushered in a new era of shopping, one that bridges the gap between the tangible and the virtual. It's a universe where consumers are no longer confined to the traditional in-store fitting rooms or limited by the two-dimensional images displayed on online shopping platforms. Virtual try-on has shattered these barriers, allowing users to immerse themselves in a dynamic and interactive experience like never before. 

Virtual Try-On technology leverages augmented reality to allow users to virtually test and experience various fashion items, such as clothing, accessories, and cosmetics, in a digital environment. 

The Evolution and Significance in the Fashion Industry 

The journey of virtual try-on technology traces back to the dawn of the digital age when e-commerce began reshaping our shopping habits. It emerged as a solution to address the dilemmas posed by online shopping, where shoppers faced limitations in physically experiencing or testing products before committing to a purchase. This gap between the tactile in-store experience and the convenience of online shopping presented an opportunity for innovation.

As the technology evolved, so did its significance in the fashion industry. VTO emerged as the bridge between traditional in-store shopping and e-commerce, catering to a growing demand for a more engaging and immersive online shopping experience. It addressed the concerns of hesitant buyers, who were uncertain about how a garment would fit or how a shade of lipstick would look. By providing a solution to these uncertainties, virtual try-on technology swiftly became an indispensable tool for fashion retailers, enhancing their customers' shopping journeys.

How virtual try-on works

Virtual Try-On technology operates through a fascinating interplay of advanced image processing and machine learning algorithms. When a user engages with a virtual try-on app, the process begins by uploading a photo or participating in a live video stream. The app then uses this input to superimpose the selected virtual try-on clothes onto the user's digital representation. It's like having a digital mirror that shows how clothing and accessories would look if worn in real life.

The magic happens in real-time as the VTO app analyzes the user's image, accurately placing and adjusting the chosen items to create a seamless and lifelike appearance. The technology excels at mapping the user's body proportions and movements, ensuring that the virtual try-on experience is not only visually appealing but also highly accurate.

Benefits of virtual try-on technology

As virtual try-on technology gains momentum, it's a win-win for both consumers and businesses in the fashion and retail realm. This cutting-edge solution reshapes the shopping landscape, offering consumers an immersive, confidence-boosting, and return-reducing experience. But for businesses, it's more than just a game-changer; it's a strategic tool that unlocks many advantages.

VTO Benefits for Shoppers

  • Enhanced shopping confidence virtual try-on apps provide users with the ability to visualize how virtual try-on clothes and accessories will look on them, thereby boosting their confidence in making the right purchase decisions.
  • Reduced return rates – by offering a more accurate representation of how virtual try-on clothes and accessories will fit and look, VTO technology significantly reduces the likelihood of returns, benefiting both customers and retailers.
  • Efficient shopping experience – users can save time and effort by quickly narrowing down their choices and preferences by trying on clothes virtually. It streamlines the shopping process. 
  • Exploration and creativity – VTO apps encourage users to explore different styles and experiment with unique virtual try-on clothes and accessory looks without any commitment. It's an opportunity for creative self-expression.
  • Convenience – the convenience of trying on virtual clothes, accessories, or makeup from the comfort of one's home or via a mobile device can't be understated. It minimizes the need for physical store visits.

VTO Benefits for Businesses

  • Reduced return costs – virtual try-on technology leads to more informed purchase decisions, reducing the number of returned items. That not only saves on return shipping and restocking costs but also minimizes the impact of returned products on inventory management.
  • Enhanced customer engagement – businesses can engage customers more interactively and memorably, fostering a sense of connection with their brand. The immersive nature of virtual try-on apps encourages customers to explore and interact with a broader range of products.
  • Personalized recommendations – by collecting data on customer preferences and their virtual try-on choices, businesses can provide tailored product recommendations, improving cross-selling and upselling opportunities.
  • Competitive edge – brands implementing virtual try-on technology gain a competitive edge in the market. It signals a commitment to innovation and an understanding of evolving customer needs, potentially attracting a broader customer base.
  • Efficient inventory management – with real-time insights into which virtual try-on clothes and accessories are more popular, businesses can streamline their inventory management, ensuring they stock products in demand.
  • Data analytics – virtual try-on technology generates valuable data on customer behavior and preferences. By analyzing this data, businesses can make data-driven decisions regarding product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement.
  • Reduced showrooming – virtual try-on minimizes the need for customers to visit physical stores, mitigating the risk of showrooming, where customers try-on products in-store but purchase them online from a different retailer.
  • Global reach – businesses can expand their customer reach beyond geographic boundaries, as virtual try-on technology enables international customers to experience their products without needing a physical presence in various regions.
  • Environmental impact – businesses can minimize the fashion industry's environmental footprint by decreasing the necessity for physical product trials and returns. This includes addressing issues like transportation emissions and properly disposing of returned items.
  • Brand loyalty – enhanced shopping experiences and the convenience of virtual try-ons can foster stronger brand loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Discovering the virtual try-on app landscape

A virtual try-on app is a powerful tool that lets shoppers visualize how custom clothing, accessories, cosmetics, shoes, or jewelry will look on them through augmented reality. These apps come in various forms,

  • Mobile apps – available for download on smartphones, virtual try-on apps allow users to upload photos or videos of themselves and overlay products onto their images. Users can experiment with different looks and make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Desktop plugins – some retailers offer desktop plugins that integrate with online stores. These plugins allow users to try-on products directly from their web browsers virtually.
  • Smart virtual mirrors found in physical stores, these mirrors are equipped with cameras and AR technology. People can stand before the smart mirror and virtually try-on clothing items without changing physically.

How do virtual try-on apps work?

Virtual try-on apps are user-friendly and accessible. Here’s how they typically function,

  • User interaction – users either access the retailer’s app or find the app on popular mobile app stores. Most apps include in-app purchasing links, allowing users to buy items they like instantly.
  • Facial recognition and overlay – the app uses facial recognition algorithms to identify key areas of the face (such as eyes and lips). It then overlays selected products onto these areas, simulating how they -would appear in real life.
  • Product exploration – users can explore various products, from clothing and accessories to cosmetics. By virtually trying them on, customers gain a better understanding of how each item complements their style.

Final words

VTO apps revolutionize the retail experience by integrating augmented reality and 3D body scanning. Customers can virtually try-on garments, visualize makeup, and experiment with accessories—all without leaving their screens. Apptension, a leading app development agency, understands the pulse of the industry. As the AR market skyrockets, reaching $198 billion by 2025, businesses must embrace this trend to stay competitive.

In the store of the future, vast inventories give way to tech-driven experiences. Magic mirrors and smart fitting rooms allow users to explore styles, assess sizes, and make informed choices. But it doesn't end there. Consumers now expect seamless online experiences, too.C Whether shopping from home or on the go, they want to try clothes on online. Feel free to approach Apptension for cutting-edge VTO solutions, ensuring your business's compatibility with the tech-rich shopping world.