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ARPA & SaaS 101: understanding and improving SaaS average revenue per account

Written by
Tomasz Zubiak
Published on
May 17, 2023

SaaS ARPA (Average Revenue per Account) is a vital metric that determines the success of SaaS firms. By measuring it, companies can uncover growth opportunities, optimize pricing strategies, and enhance client retention rates. Discover how SaaS ARPA empowers businesses to unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable growth in the dynamic world of Software as a Service.

Tomasz Zubiak
Business Development Manager
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Software as a Service (SaaS) has become a popular business model as the world transforms into a digital economy. This subscription-based approach to software distribution has altered how firms function by providing an efficient and cost-effective solution. However, SaaS companies must constantly increase their revenue streams to remain competitive. SaaS organizations can enhance revenue streams by focusing on the Average Revenue per Account (ARPA). SaaS ARPA is the average revenue generated per user account during a specified period. By analyzing and enhancing it, organizations can boost revenue without gaining new customers.

Companies that seek to enhance ARPA in SaaS must first understand the key metrics that impact it, such as client retention, upselling, and pricing strategies. Therefore, this article will explore the definition of SaaS in ARPA, how to calculate it, and the various strategies that can use to increase it. We will also discuss the importance of measuring SaaS ARPA and how it can affect the overall growth of a SaaS company.

What is SaaS ARPA?

SaaS ARPA (Average income per Account) is a significant metric for measuring the average income generated by each user account in a given period for a SaaS organization. Indeed, ARPA SaaS plays substantial importance in a SaaS company's revenue growth because it indicates how much revenue each customer generates.

ARPA is an essential measure for SaaS organizations since it demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of their revenue-generating initiatives. Improved ARPA allows a corporation to produce more income without gaining new consumers. It is critical for businesses that operate in highly competitive marketplaces with high customer acquisition expenses.

In short, understanding and improving ARPA SaaS metrics is significant for the long-term success of a SaaS business. It can help companies to optimize their pricing, improve customer retention, and identify areas for growth and expansion.

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SaaS ARPA calculation formula

The formula for calculating SaaS ARPA is as follows:

ARPA = Total revenue / Number of user accounts

To calculate ARPA, you must first determine all of the revenue generated by your SaaS company in a specific period, typically a month or a year. You must also keep track of the overall number of user accounts created throughout that period.

Once you've calculated this data, you must divide the total revenue by the number of user accounts to get the ARPA for that period. So, for example, if your SaaS business earned $100,000 in sales in one month and had 500 user accounts, your ARPA would be:

ARPA = $100,000 / 500 = $200 per user account per month

It means that, on average, each user account generated $200 in revenue for your SaaS business in that particular month.

It's important to note that ARPA is usually calculated monthly or annually and may fluctuate over time due to changes in pricing, customer acquisition, or customer retention. However, tracking ARPA over time allows you to identify trends and opportunities for improving your SaaS business's revenue growth.

Strategies to increase SaaS ARPA (Average Revenue per Account)

SaaS ARPA is crucial for a SaaS company's performance. It measures each user account's average revenue in a given period, such as a month or year. Let's discuss the strategies that can be implemented to increase SaaS ARPA:

Price optimization

Pricing is an essential component of a SaaS company's revenue strategy. When boosting ARPA, it is critical to optimize pricing so that customers pay the correct amount for the value they receive. One strategy is to provide tiered pricing, with different service levels and features available at various price points. It enables clients to select the level of service that best meets their needs and budget while simultaneously allowing business to generate more income from customers ready to pay for extra features and services.


The practice of offering more services or features to existing customers is known as upselling. It is an efficient method of increasing ARPA since it allows to acquire more revenue from consumers already using their product. To properly upsell, it is critical to understand each customer's requirements and aspirations and provide additional services or features relevant to those needs and goals. For example, customers that require more advanced capabilities can be offered premium services such as time tracking, team collaboration tools, and custom reporting by a SaaS company that provides project management software.


The process of marketing complementary items or services to existing clients is known as cross-selling. It is an excellent strategy to boost ARPA since it allows the SaaS business to acquire more revenue from consumers interested in related products or services. For example, a SaaS company that sells accounting software could give tax preparation services to customers who require assistance with their tax returns.

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Client retention

Customer retention is an essential part of a SaaS company's revenue strategy. Keeping existing customers satisfied and engaged is critical to avoid churn, which can substantially influence ARPA. If you want to boost customer retention, it is crucial to understand each client's wants and aspirations and give them ongoing assistance and value. This can involve regular communication, training and education, and proactive problem-solving to ensure customer satisfaction with the product and service.

Feature bundling

Collecting related features and services into packages is known as feature bundling. This is an excellent method for increasing ARPA since it allows the businesses to provide greater value to consumers at a higher price point. For example, a company that sells email marketing software could charge a premium for a package that includes email automation, advanced reporting, and bespoke templates.

Usage-based pricing

Usage-based pricing is a pricing strategy in which customers are charged depending on how much they use a product or service. It is an efficient method of increasing ARPA since it allows the company to acquire more revenue from consumers who regularly use the product or service. It can also encourage customers to utilize the product or service more frequently, increasing income.

Segmenting customers

Customer segmentation is the practice of grouping consumers based on their needs, goals, and behaviors. It can be an excellent strategy to boost ARPA because it allows to target specific client categories with customized pricing and offerings. For example, a SaaS company that provides social media management software might provide varied prices and features to small businesses, mid-sized companies, and enterprise customers based on their demands and budgets.

Importance of measuring SaaS ARPA

Measuring SaaS ARPA (Average Revenue per Account) is critical for a SaaS company's success. ARPA shows the average revenue generated by each user account over a specified period, such as a month or a year. A SaaS company can discover trends and potential for revenue development without acquiring new customers by tracking ARPA.

Additionally, ARPA can assist a SaaS business in optimizing pricing strategies and identifying chances for upselling and cross-selling to existing clients. Understanding each customer's objectives and aspirations allows a SaaS company to provide new services and features relevant to their unique demands, which can lead to increasing income over time.

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ARPA also offers information on customer retention rates. As a result, a SaaS company can spot trends in customer behavior and take proactive efforts to reduce churn, which can substantially impact revenue growth by tracking ARPA over time. In short, measuring SaaS ARPA is critical for identifying possibilities to enhance revenue, optimize pricing strategies, and improve customer retention rates. By measuring this measure regularly, SaaS companies can make informed decisions to aid their long-term success.


In conclusion, SaaS ARPA (Average Revenue per Account) is a significant indicator that determines the success of a SaaS firm. They can uncover chances to grow revenue, optimize pricing strategies, and improve client retention rates by measuring ARPA. As previously stated, employing successful ARPA strategies such as price optimization, upselling, cross-selling, customer retention, feature bundling, usage-based pricing, and customer segmentation will assist a SaaS company in generating more income from existing customers.

SaaS firms must monitor ARPA frequently and make informed decisions based on acquired information. This can include adjusting pricing methods, identifying and targeting client categories with the most significant potential for revenue development, and providing additional services and features relevant to each customer's requirements and aspirations. Ultimately, expanding ARPA requires a customer-centric strategy. By understanding each customer's wants and ambitions, businesses can deliver personalized solutions that add value and encourage customers to continue using their products or service. This can result in more income, better customer satisfaction, and a more successful SaaS business overall.

In short, SaaS businesses that prioritize measuring and improving ARPA are well-positioned for long-term success in a highly competitive market. By implementing effective strategies and leveraging insights gathered from ARPA metrics, SaaS businesses can increase revenue, optimize pricing, and build a loyal customer base that drives growth and profitability.