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No-code SaaS – guide on how to build products without coding

Written by
Olha Kurinna
Published on
February 9, 2023

Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life. They’re usually driven by exciting new ideas and determination but can come from a niche area where they spot a need that isn’t being fulfilled, and they’ve got ‘a plan that can’. Putting a team together to design, build, and deliver a killer solution can be costly, so what can our idea-driven solo or small startup do without the funding or coding skills to get the job done? No-code comes with help.

Olha Kurinna
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There's plenty options of no-code development tools for startups, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and bedroom billionaires. Do you want to know all about them? Then, read on.

Developers, designers, coders, UX, and UI operatives all cost money. The one resource entrepreneurs have that isn’t going to drain their bank balance is time.

Chances are, they’re going to need a generous amount of it to get the job done—from idea and inception to delivery. However, they’ll need an awful lot less than heading off to university to earn a developer’s degree and the experience to build a SaaS product by writing the code from the ground up.

The sky might not be the limit, but the ceiling is still very high

At this point, we’d like to deliver a disclaimer that not every idea can come to fruition using the no-code tools we’re going to discuss. If you fall into the ‘mad scientist’ or ‘true genius’ category and need to create something brand new, unique, and groundbreaking that hasn’t ever been seen before, there’s a strong chance you’ll need the hands-on coding skills of an appropriate developer or team to build what you need.

If you provide information or move data around, sell something, share information, or a whole host of alternatives to already-existing websites or applications, then there’s very likely a tool that can get you to MVP and market. In fact, we think you’ll be able to do far more with these clever tools than you expect. It’s quite common with this type of tech to deliver complex apps and services using nothing more than a drag-and-drop platform.

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How do no-code SaaS development platforms work?

If you think there isn’t any code involved with platforms, think again. The beauty of such no-code tools is that all the code needed to run your apps and packages is created behind the scenes.

As the designer, you’ll work within a graphic interface using drag-and-drop systems to organise the pages that define your workflows. Rule-driven automations and features apply the changes and data recalls you require, selected and adapted from vast libraries of features and templates, all designed to make creating an app easy for anyone.

Benefits of no-code development platforms

  • High productivity – Build and bring new systems and MVPs quicker to launch.
  • Reduced project costs – No need for costly developers.
  • Agility – Most no-code platforms create systems for multiple platforms and devices.
  • Optimized governance – Pre-built regulatory features keep you up to date and compliant.

The difference between no-code and low-code platforms

Low-code platforms allow the creator to dig into the code to make more specific tweaks and changes to how the application operates.

You might be wondering why a fully-fledged developer would be using a no- or low-code platform in the first place instead of just diving into a custom build. Well, why reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to?

The level of operation such platforms provide is so encompassing that building a simple MVP in the hands of an experienced UX or UI designer, or app developer can take minutes. With a few tweaks to operations, layouts, branding, and processes, such experts can create fully functioning apps to trial far faster than building from the ground up.

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What kind of apps can I build with no-code platforms?

We’ve all seen the no-code platforms available to build websites. TV and web ads are rich with companies selling domains, hosting, and a simple, intuitive, drag and drop what-you-see-is-what-you-get WYSIWYG editor to create the attractive and functional website your business needs.

They’re a great example of what no-code platforms can do and how they work, but there are many more options, like a no-code app builder, providing all kinds of alternative routes into the SaaS market:

No-code is one of the biggest trend in SaaS for 2023. Do you want to learn more about SaaS and IT trends in 2023? Get out premium e-book for free! 

No-code SaaS app builder platforms

Because of the vast range of applications, needs, and end products required by entrepreneurs, business operators, and wannabe developers, there can be no such thing as a definitive top-10 list of no-code app builder platforms. For example, if you’re building a shopping app that operates primarily on voice commands, you don’t need a game creator or marketing automation provider.

So, instead of that, we’ve picked a few examples that might help you decide on the right kind of platform for your project and a few directories where you can scour through the hundreds of options at your leisure.

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With a great selection of YouTube tutorials and a simple drag-and-drop interface, Bubble has a comprehensive library of powerful tools and visual elements to work with, guiding you towards the practical application and attractive presentation you want. It’s easy to use, intelligent, and has price points to suit all pockets—even a free tier to let you take it for a test drive.

Another advantage of using Bubble is its flexibility for growth. This no-code app builder will allow your apps to scale with you, meaning they’re capable of lasting the project's lifetime, no matter how big or how quickly it grows.


Another powerful no-code app-building tool with an easy-to-navigate interface, Thunkable will take you from a quick mock-up to a working app—ready to launch on iOS or Android—through its no-fuss, speedy system.

Whether you start from scratch, rework an existing concept, or start with some of their many sample projects, Thunkable matches intelligent features with innovative design, turning you into a developer and designer without learning a single line of coding.


AppSheet boasts over 200,000 creators worldwide, including ESPN, Clearlink, and Pepsi. It has its own interactive emulator for previewing and testing and offers two levels of editing.

Its basic editor takes care of the more standard features (view controls, sign-ins, offline functionality), while the advanced editor picks up more complex functions (permission editing, data syncing, themes). In addition, it can build and deploy its projects from various cloud platforms and offers features that include machine learning, debugging, version control, and all kinds of additional integrations.

Bravo Studio

Building standalone, complex apps for iOS and Android or third-party API integrations, Bravo Studio allows its users to design and develop their products and prototypes, with testing and publishing on a purely no-code platform, ready for the App and Google Play Store.

Their website boasts a community of entrepreneurs striving with their no-code built apps in entertainment, productivity, eCommerce, and more.

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Appy Pie

Appy Pie isn’t just a great option for building mobile apps but also for a host of other applications. As a comprehensive package, you can use Appy Pie to build websites, automate tasks, build chatbots, live chat services, and develop the graphics to drive your business’s brand.

They also provide excellent customer support, which goes a long way with new developers who need a fast response and quick answers to any issues they may face.


If you don’t fancy designing your own layouts, Configure.IT provides plenty of templates to get you started. However, if you would prefer to take complete control, then the drag-and-drop interface makes it easy without learning any complicated design software.

This is a full-stack development platform for iOS and Android, generating both while you build. It’s ideal for prototyping, proof of concept, and taking your app to market.


For something a little different, we wanted to mention GameSalad. When it comes to gaming, most designers would suggest that custom code is the only way to produce any kind of unique adventure and playability.

GameSalad shows that’s not always the case. They boast a community of over 750k developers worldwide with over 65k games and over 80 in the top 100 on the US App Store.


Another popular SaaS area is online learning provision and digital education. Teachable allows its developers to create courses that are device friendly yet optimized and responsive for mobile. In addition, it’s easy to develop new courses, classes, lessons, and modules, with features that include quizzes, discussion forums, and specific areas designed for student feedback.

The platform has a comprehensive dashboard, allows you to develop custom branding as well as a blog, and you can host the entire website on your domain.

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No-code SaaS resources

There are so many platforms to choose from, yet knowing which one is the best option for your project can be challenging. Spending a little time understanding the industry and each of your choices, their features, cost, strengths, and weaknesses in each area will be time well spent.

To get you started, the following organizations provide up-to-the-minute information, reviews, and ratings.

SaaSworthy – An SaaS website that connects stakeholders, designers, and developers to the products and partners they need. Our link takes you to their list of no-code platforms, rated by real users and reviewed by experts.

NoCode.Tech – Whether you’re a total beginner to no-code development or a seasoned practitioner, NoCode.Tech has all kinds of tutorials, guides, advice, and recommendations for the latest and best-rated platforms and opportunities.

Summing up SaaS no-code tools

So, here's your list of tools to build a SaaS product without coding skills. Whatever your idea or whatever you want to launch, you don’t have to be a coding wizard to get yourself and your product to market using the current tech platforms. With a little patience, a willingness to learn, and absolutely no coding experience, you can take your well-organized plans and projects and turn them into viable moneymaking products.