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5 popular types of design methodologies you should know!

Written by
Hanna Dawidko-Chudziak
Published on
March 2, 2023

Design methodologies are a term that may sound a little hazy to some people, but if we summon up topics like Lean Startup or Design Sprint approaches, everything becomes much more apparent. There are, without a doubt, a great deal more things to be found on the list of product development methodologies. Using them will be extremely helpful for developers and save the day, or at the very least, a significant amount of time, money, and effort.

Hanna Dawidko-Chudziak
Head of Marketing
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We'll see improvements in our productivity and the motivation of our team members, as well as in the quality of our products and the dependability of our software.

Of course, the devil is in the details, and it is vital to know all of those design methods' complexities, pros and disadvantages, highlights, and downsizes before deciding to select one for your project.

But again, this is because the specifics are where the devil is hiding. In addition, it is possible that knowing the use cases of various methodologies is essential to appraise things accurately.

Therefore, this article will talk about the top 5 popular types of design methodologies. Let's get started!

Design Methodologies – what are the top trends?

The development of digital products and the generation of ideas based on design methodologies work hand in hand very well together. In the highly competitive market for information technology, nothing should be left to chance. Choosing the appropriate strategy, philosophy, or model can tip the scales and make a specific application, tool, or solution stand out positively.

Therefore, it is something that should be considered. In addition, they have the power to ensure the success or failure of a company, particularly a new one. On top of everything else, you need to have quick reflexes, be flexible, be willing to pick up new skills, and adjust to shifting conditions.

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So, solutions that are adaptable, agile, and founded on feedback and time-boxed iterations are still relevant and up-to-date in the product design method.

The combination of these factors can make the design of digital products more effective, quicker, and in tune with the dynamic nature of our current era. In addition, it's helpful to be able to alter your plan of action in light of any unforeseen developments, whether they arise from within or outside of your project.

It is why, once you've settled on a set of goods or solutions to create, you might employ methodologies such as agile methodologies, waterfall methodology, design sprint methodology, and lean startup methodology.

Top 5 design methodologies you should know!

Among the numerous accessible project management tools and solutions, a few deserve special attention. So what do those design techniques look like in detail? Let's see:

1. Waterfall Methodology

For a considerable amount of time, digital projects have been planned and developed using the waterfall methodology. In this method, the next stage of the procedure will not begin until the one that came before it has been completed. The in-depth and structured analysis is the first step of the waterfall process. After that comes the designing, developing, and quality assurance testing.

Finally, after all that, you go live, repair defects after the release, and the job is over. It sounds reasonable, and this might be the most accurate manner of project execution for some projects. However, it might be different for others, mainly when dealing with a complex product.

Generally, the waterfall technique is connected with a step-by-step activity in the project, a more formal style of managing the workflow, and a lot of bureaucracy. The fixed scope, which is presented in the form of paperwork and is accepted by decision-makers, is one of the defining characteristics of this strategy.

This strategy may be successful in relatively consistent markets. Still, there is always the possibility that the surrounding environment will shift at an increasing rate the longer a product is produced.

The difficulty comes when you revise your project and decide to make some alterations. It is necessary to take a step back and make modifications to the project documentation as well as the code, which is not an option that is beneficial to the budget.

Moreover, the time of development is significantly prolonged. Therefore, the work is already doomed to fail if you end up with a digital product that is cohesive with documentation but needs to be updated and needs further adjustment.

2. Agile Methodologies

The significant drawbacks of the waterfall methodology served as the primary push for conducting a more in-depth investigation of the various techniques for the delivery of digital products.

Agile approaches are a more flexible way to create and efficiently launch new applications, and their name comes from the word "agile." The strategy taken here emphasizes the formation of self-organized and cross-functional teams.

As a result, the amount of "paperwork" is much reduced, and the time it takes to make decisions has been significantly shortened. Because the final product is not assembled all at once, the development process follows an evolutionary path regarding its execution. Iterations are minor components that make up the application's overall process.

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Following each iteration which is referred to as a sprint, the team and the customer can observe not only the progression of the work but also the results of their efforts.

A check-up of this kind helps plan the activities for the subsequent iteration. It is essential to note that if any part of the solution or feature needs to be modified, the sprint planning will consider that.

In addition, a customer can respond to what is occurring in the market and make any necessary adjustments with fewer severe repercussions for his financial plan. These are how agile techniques "tame the change" and make it less expensive than it would be under a waterfall fixed scope.

3. Lean Startup Methodology

The lean startup technique is another well-liked system for organizing and controlling work processes. MVP (Minimal Viable Product) is a crucial part of it.

The basic concept is to prioritize features you wish to incorporate into your product. Then consider whether all of these are truly essential to the business's success and its customers' satisfaction.

Of course, some components must remain in the final product for reasons of profitability or functionality. The term "Most Valuable Features" (MVP) describes these essential capabilities. Your initial focus should be on developing the most basic version of your product.

4. Design Sprint Methodology

It is a framework that employs the creative thinking technique to assist in validating ideas, solving product difficulties, and aligning the team vision of a product while simultaneously creating clear goals and objectives.

The design challenge (the purpose, the problem to be solved) is explored, potential solutions are brainstormed, and a prototype is built and tested with end users within a week.

The ultimate solution, built on the foundation of the findings, will be tested once more, this time in the actual world. Meeting this week-long deadline requires a well-defined objective and extensive familiarity with the features you plan to include in the minimum viable product.

Since the Design Sprint is more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule, it may (and should) be modified to fit a given project's needs. The number of days, the methods utilized, and the types of people involved in the product design workshops are all flexible, but the process must adhere to the same structure: find, sketch, decide, prototype, and test. It is not a Design Sprint if there is no testing phase.

5. Concierge Testing

This practical approach involves interacting with potential customers in everyday settings (such as stores or cafes) to elicit feedback on made-up products.

Responses to both open-ended questions and those prompted by specific prompts, such as participants' level of happiness or sadness, are compiled.

It's easy to confuse Concierge Testing with WOZ, but the two are pretty different; the former is meant to spark creativity, while the latter is intended to put theories to the test.

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How to choose the proper design methodology for your project?

Since 75% of new businesses fail within the first year, founders must proceed cautiously. However, using the appropriate design methodologies could help avert calamity and shape a better future.

Before releasing a new product or service, and perhaps again in the company's future when new features or functions are being explored, they may be appropriate.

In a market saturated with companies offering essentially the same apps and services, the tides could be tipped in your favor if you opt for the proper design techniques.

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The success or failure of developing the vast majority of technological goods hinges on selecting the appropriate design process and in some cases - right web design software. Therefore, the product designer should consider the methods' goals, conditions, and use cases before making final decisions. But first, it's essential to learn several design techniques', advantages, and disadvantages.

Design methodologies – to the next step

At Apptension, we thrive on creating successful digital products that demand a balance of adaptability and stability. The latter can be achieved by implementing a reliable product design methodology.

Also, picking the best one can mean the difference between a successful and a failed endeavor. So get in touch with our experts, who will brief you on every step of the design methodology and select the best approach for your business demands.