ExpoDubai 2020

Making it possible for users to experience ExpoDubai online without having to travel in the uncertain times of the pandemic.

Product design 

Project management 

Front-end development 

Back-end development 

Digital experience 

Quality assurance





9 months


A virtual rendition of ExpoDubai, a six-month-long event in Dubai to recreate the experience to users without having traveled to witness the events, talks, performances, cultures, or world-class architecture.


In the face of an unprecedented global lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world witnessed the cancellation or postponement of countless cultural events. Among these was the highly anticipated international exposition that was slated to be hosted in a major global city. The challenge was clear: how could the essence, grandeur, and global reach of such a monumental event be captured and delivered to millions without the physical presence?


Dogstudio, a creative agency working to solve this puzzle approached Apptension to help with the development as they realized the potential of technology to bridge this gap. The vision was not just to replicate the event online, but to create a groundbreaking virtual experience that would allow users from all over the world to immerse themselves in the event without the constraints of travel.

Apptension embarked on a journey to:

  • Understand the core elements that make this exposition a unique experience.
  • Identify the key touchpoints for users.
  • Ensure the platform was accessible, user-friendly, and could handle a massive influx of users.


Apptension developed a state-of-the-art space visualization app that encapsulated the spirit of the exhibition. Here's a breakdown of the features and solutions we covered: 3D modelling, notification systems, email templates, digital passports, load testing, front-end adjustments, and continuous fixes.

A big part of our responsibilities was localization & arabic translations. Making the app globally accessible, we needed to keep a special focus on the host nation's language.

The result? A year after the planned opening ceremony, a staggering 2 million users tuned in to watch the exhibition open its gates, with the majority accessing the event through the app on their mobile devices. The international exhibition was not just saved; it was reimagined for the digital age.

Get in touch

Have a project in mind? Send us the details and we will reach out to you with the next steps.

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