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SaaS customer success 101: roles, KPIs, strategies, and best practices

Written by
Łukasz Warchoł
Published on
February 26, 2023

SaaS customer success means strategies, methods, and ways of getting your customers to achieve value with your SaaS product or service, rather than momentary satisfaction. All in all, customer success means making sure your customers are successful - so that you can be successful too!

Łukasz Warchoł
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According to Fortune Business Insights, SaaS global market size is expected to reach $883.34 billion by 2029, showing competition will be at an all-time high.

As SaaS business is a subscription-based model, they rely heavily on their customer base to generate recurring revenue.

It means that ensuring customer satisfaction and retention is crucial for long-term success. However, achieving SaaS customer success isn't easy unless you follow proper strategies.

Don't know what these are? Let's dive into the details!

What is SaaS Customer Success?

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Customer Success refers to helping customers achieve their desired outcomes and ensuring they receive maximum value from using a SaaS product or service.

Customer success is not just about customer support or fixing problems when they occur; instead, it's a proactive approach to ensuring customers are successful with the product or service they are using.

Unlike customer support, SaaS customer success teams work on curating plans that help customers get the best out of their products.

Here are the top elements involved in SaaS customer success:

  • Onboarding: helping customers start with the product/service to ensure they understand how to use it effectively.
  • Education: providing customers with training, resources, and guidance on using the product/service to achieve their goals.
  • Engagement: proactively engaging with customers to understand their needs and identify opportunities to help them achieve the desired outcomes.
  • Support: offering timely and effective customer support when they encounter issues or have questions.
  • Retention: ensuring customers are satisfied and continue to use the product/service over time.

SaaS Customer Success Strategies

Customer success is critical to the success of any SaaS (Software as a Service) company. It can put you on top of your competitors while building a loyal customer base that can quickly become your regular subscribers.

Here are some effective strategies to ensure your SaaS customer success:

Clearly Define Your Customer Success Goals

The first step in any customer success strategy is to define your goals. You need to be clear about what success looks like for your customers and how you will measure it. Not only this, but it also involves your ideal metrics like user adoption, retention rates, or customer satisfaction scores.

When you clearly define your goals upfront, you can put your efforts into what matters most to your customers.

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Develop a Strong Onboarding Process

Your onboarding process is the first impression you make on your customers when they visit your site or purchase your products/services. It's also when they're most likely to churn if they don't see the value in your software.

As per UserPilot, around 63% of customers think onboarding is critical in deciding whether to subscribe to a service. That's why it's crucial to develop a robust onboarding process that helps your customers get up and running quickly.

It might involve providing detailed documentation, offering personalized training sessions, or assigning a dedicated customer success manager to each new customer. By providing a good onboarding process, you can keep your customers engaged.

Moreover, when customers see the value you offer, they tend to use your products or services repeatedly, becoming your returning customers!

Collect and Celebrate Customers Feedback

One of the best customer success strategies for SaaS is to collect and celebrate customer feedback. You can get feedback about your product or services through the comments on your social media profile or by organizing surveys.

Once you have collected enough feedback and suggestions about what customers want to change or have trouble with, start working on them.

You may not know this, but you can receive some of the best business ideas through surveys. When possible, link each new update with the customer who suggested it and tell them you appreciate their thoughts. Publicly thank them and ask if the new feature has improved their operations.

Paying heed to what your customers say about your product can make them recurring buyers.

Monitor Customer Engagement and Usage

You need to monitor your customers' engagement and usage to understand how your customers use your software. It can help you identify areas where customers are struggling and where you can provide additional support.

For example, if you notice that a particular feature is being underutilized, you might reach out to customers and offer training or guidance on how to get more value from that feature.

Proactively Address Customer Issues

Another SaaS customer success strategy is proactively addressing customer issues. For example, if some customer encounters a problem with your software, they will likely become frustrated and potentially churn, increasing your churn rate.

However, by proactively reaching out to customers and addressing issues before they become significant problems, you show your customers that you're concerned about their satisfaction.

SaaS Customer Success Roles

Typically, a SaaS customer success team is responsible for building strong relationships with customers, identifying their needs, and providing solutions to their issues. Here are some common roles within a SaaS customer success team:

Customer Success Operations Manager (CSOM)

The Customer Success Operations Manager ensures that the SaaS customer success team runs efficiently and effectively. They oversee the team's processes and workflows, manage the customer success technology stack, and provide data analysis and reporting to help the team make informed decisions.

Moreover, a CSOM works closely with the leadership team to ensure that customer success is aligned with the company's overall goals and objectives.

Customer Success Manager (CSM)

The Customer Success Manager is responsible for building and maintaining long-term relationships with end customers. They work closely with clients to understand their business needs and goals and help them achieve maximum benefit using the software.

A SaaS CSM serves as the main point of contact between the client and the company, as they are responsible for managing the customer journey from onboarding to renewal.

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Renewal Manager

The Renewal Manager is responsible for ensuring customers renew their company subscriptions. They work closely with the CSM to understand the customer's needs and develop renewal strategies to keep them engaged and satisfied with the product.

Renewal Managers are also responsible for identifying opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.

Customer Success Analyst

The Customer Success Analyst analyzes customer data to identify trends and insights that can inform customer success strategies. They use data to help the customer success team make informed decisions about customer engagement, product development, and overall strategy.

Customer Success Analysts work closely with the Customer Success Operations Manager and the leadership team to provide data-driven insights and recommendations.

SaaS Customer Success KPIs to Track

Measuring the success of a SaaS customer success team is essential for the growth and sustainability of the company. Here are some common customer success KPIs SaaS to track to ensure that your customer success team is providing value to their customers:

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score

The Customer Satisfaction Score measures the level of customer satisfaction with the product and the customer success team's performance. Customers are asked to rate their satisfaction on a scale of 1-5, and the CSAT score is found by taking the average of the ratings.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

It's a metric that measures customer loyalty and satisfaction with your products or services. Typically, customers are asked to rate their likelihood of recommending the product to others on a scale of 0-10.

The NPS is determined by subtracting the percentage of detractors (customers who rate the product 0-6 and don't find any value in your services) from the percentage of promoters (those customers who rate the product 9-10 who are likely to re-use and recommend your services).

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Customer Churn Rate

The customer churn rate measures the percentage of customers you lose in a specific period, usually a month. Typical examples of Customer Churn Rates include canceling subscriptions or stopping using the software over a particular period.

A SaaS business with a considerably high churn rate means customers are not finding value in the product. Therefore, the customer success team needs to take action to improve customer satisfaction and retention.

The calculation of CSR is done by dividing the number of people or users lost within a month by the number of customers at the beginning of the month.

Customer Retention Rate

It's the percentage of customers who renew their subscriptions or continue to use the software over a specific period. This metric measures the team's ability to keep customers satisfied and engaged with the product.


Implementing SaaS customer success strategies and tactics ensure you deliver high-quality customer service and turn first-time buyers into recurring customers.

For this purpose, you also need to work on your digital products, and Apptension can help you with this! We have an exceptional team that works with you and designs the best digital products for your SaaS business.

We focus on quality and effectively communicate with our customers throughout the SaaS products development journey. Our cutting-edge technology is secure and allows you to complete a project successfully.

So, don't wait and get in touch now to make your SaaS business more appealing to customers!